报告题目:Optimal Assortment Recommendation in Multi-Store Retailing
时间:2024年12月26日(周四) 上午 9:00-10:30
报告人:Xiao Alison Chen 助理教授 彼得.T.保罗商学院 新罕布什尔大学
邀请人:薄洪光 教授
This talk aims to explore the optimal assortment recommendation in multi-store retailing, focusing on studying a multi-store assortment planning problem in which a seller centrally decides the assortment of products in each store under simultaneous offering strategy and sequential offering strategy. Methodology/results: we show that under the simultaneous strategy, the optimal assortment for each store is revenue-ordered, and the seller cannot do better than if it operates each store separately. In contrast, adopting the sequential strategy can significantly increase the seller's revenue. In particular, when customers' disutilities of purchasing from other stores are universally homogeneous, the optimal assortment under the sequential offering strategy is revenue-ordered for each store, and the store with a lower (higher, resp.) demand should offer a larger (smaller, resp.) assortment to facilitate the sequential selling process. We then compare the two offering strategies in terms of the seller's revenue and customer surplus and analyze the impact of parameters on the revenue comparison. We also consider several extensions, e.g., heterogeneous valuation, capacity constraint, and partial recommendation, and find that our main results still hold qualitatively.
Xiao Alison Chen, 于天津大学获得供应链与物流工程专业的学士学位,于明尼苏达大学获得工业工程专业的博士学位,现任职于新罕布什尔大学彼得.T.保罗商学院助理教授。担任Production and Operations Management、Operations Research Letters、Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Management、Int’l J of Operations Research and Information Systems等期刊的评审。主要从事供应链管理和算法设计的研究工作,主要研究方向为运营管理,收益管理,机器调度,数据分析。研究成果发表于Computers and Operations Research等国际权威学术期刊,最新论文被2024年国际互联网经济学术会议(Conference on Web and Internet Economics,WINE)(顶级会议)接受。
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