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Showing,Selling,and Returning: Investigating the Multifaceted Role of Physical Stores in Omnichannel Retail


报告题目:Showing,Selling,and Returning: Investigating the Multifaceted Role of Physical Stores in Omnichannel Retail



报告人:庄梦舟 助理教授

邀请人:张闯 教授


  With the proliferation of online shopping, offline physical stores have become less important than ever before as retail channels. However, rather than a retail channel, physical stores now might play other roles in omnichannel retailing. The research investigates the influences of physical stores on aggregate-level product sales, and on transaction-level channel choice and product return. Through an empirical analysis with a unique dataset from a leading omnichannel appliance retailer featuring the opening or closings of 11 physical stores, the research shows that the store opening does not significantly increase total sales but significantly increases net sales (sales minus returns). Through individual-level analysis, we further show that the aggregate-level findings are due to the joint effects of two contrasting roles served by offline stores—showrooming, a place to touch-and-feel the products to reduce unsatisfied purchase due to information asymmetry, and convenience return, a drop-off location to return unsatisfied products without additional surcharge. As a result, the appearance of physical stores increases the return probability of offline orders but decreases the return probability of online orders.


庄梦舟,中国籍,博士毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,现为香港大学经管学院助理教授。他的研究专注于在新的媒体、新情景、新的渠道模式和新的社交环境中,企业的广告、定价以及销售策略的设计与优化。他参与了多个与可口可乐,淘宝,苏宁,网易游戏,百度等国内外知名企业的咨询项目。他在研究中主要采用计量模型、现场实验、非参数估计、机器学习等方法分析企业或消费者层面的数据,从而提出对企业,消费者和政策制定者有价值的建议。现已在工商管理领域的一流期刊发表多篇文章,包括Information Systems Research, Journal of Marketing等。


