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An Energy Resilience-Focused Power Outage Social Vulnerability Analysis for Residential Communities


报告题目:An Energy Resilience-Focused Power Outage Social Vulnerability Analysis for Residential Communities




邀请人:叶鑫 教授


  Community energy resilience includes considering a community's sensitivity to disasters and its capacity to recover effectively. Failing to include equity considerations in resilience-enhancing strategies can lead to uneven recovery and affect vulnerable populations disproportionately, which has been a longstanding concern in the U.S. This paper introduces an energy resilience-focused Power Outage Social Vulnerability Index (PO-SVI) that is designed to assess the vulnerability of small-scale residential communities to climate change-related power outages. The proposed index is based on three key dimensions: 1) prolonged power outage susceptibility, 2) the community's population coping capacity, and 3) community accessibility. The PO-SVI structure is constructed by integrating multiple factors and indicators that collectively contribute to the overall index. The necessary data representing indicators are acquired through interviews and reliable datasets. A hierarchical-based structural model is employed for the construction of sub-indices and the overall PO-SVI. As the case studies, three residential communities in the Houston and Austin metropolitan areas were selected, and interviews were conducted with the households and community leaders. In addition, the study investigates the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) against power outages for the targeted residential communities through interviews and provides data analysis on the most influencing household features. The proposed PO-SVI, as well as VoLL estimates, serve as a valuable tool for developing resilience-focused and equity-oriented energy crisis solutions.


  Dr. Zhijie (Sasha) Dong is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Management at the University of Houston. She received her Ph.D. degree from Cornell University, master's degree from Columbia University, and bachelor's degree from Nanjing University. Before returning to academia, Dr. Dong worked for FedEx, CSX Transportation, and General Motors. Her research focuses on improving the efficiency of different complex systems (e.g., supply chain and transportation) through optimization and artificial intelligence. Dr. Dong’s work is supported by both federal agencies (e.g., NSF, FHWA, and DOE) and industry (e.g., AMD and Shell). She is the recipient of multiple international and national awards, including the NSF CISE CRII Awards, NSF OSSEEER Early Career Fellow, and the honorable mention of INFORMS MIF Early Carrer Award. Dr. Dong is a senior member of IISE and the president-elect of the IISE Logistics and Supply Chain Division. She also serves on the editorial board of Communications Engineering (Nature Portfolio).

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